SPACE ARRANGEMENT | Ania Kaleta Bogna Polańska Roma Skuza |
ORGANIZER | Łódź Design Festival |
GRAPHIC PROJECT | Studio Sarna |
PRODUCER | Agata Bisping |
EXHIBITION DATE | 17 – 26 maja 2019 |
REALIZATION DATE | marzec – maj 2019 |
AREA | 392,56 m2 |
SITE | Łódź |
PARTNERS | Forbo, GEBERIT, IKEA, Paged, MPK – Łódź, PORTA, VEOLIA, KOŁO, Politechnika Łódzka, Ogród Botaniczny w Łodzi |
The Eksoexperymentarium is an educational project that, from a family perspective, shows how we can make small changes for the planet. During the Łódź Design Festival together with the curators from Mamy Projekt, we designed the apartment of the Łaskotek illustrated family in the space of the building at 3 Tymienieckiego Street, to learn how to simplify life, save time and money, and eliminate what is unnecessary or unhealthy.
Guests visiting the Ekoeksperymentarium apartment could learn through play and experiments.
In the hall we met an illustrated family of the eco-apartment. Here you could see objects and ideas that will help them make changes to their lives. The salon focused on saving resources, including heat and electricity – simple actions, such as replacing light bulbs with LED lighting, can have a positive impact on the bill. Every detail of the equipment – from the door to the carpet can have ecological significance and help us care for the planet.
In practice, in the bedroom, we checked the principle “less is more” – less objects is more time for the family and less use of the planet’s resources. The bedroom has been graphically divided into two parts – the minimalist one and the one full of unused clothes and objects.
In the kitchen, the participants could share their cooking methods in the Zero Waste spirit, think about buying water in plastic bottles and test their knowledge about waste segregation, which, as it turns out, is not easy at all!