SPACE ARRANGEMENT | Marcin Czopek Roma Skuza Bogna Polańska |
PROJECT CURATOR | Mamy Projekt |
ORGANIZER | COP 24, City of Katowice |
GRAPHIC PROJECT | Studio Sarna |
PRODUCER | Agnieszka Wydmuch |
DATE of EXHIBITION | November-December 2018 |
TIME of REALIZATION | August-November 2018 |
AREA | 153m2 |
SITE | Katowice Market Place |
PARTNERS | Dobry Klimat, IKEA Retail, KZK GOP, Mamy Projekt, Śnieżka |

Originators of the gallery, Małgosia Żmijska and Joanna Studzińska from Mamy Project collective, specializing in exhibitions, invited us to design an exposition for children called – Ekoeksperymentarium. We wanted to meet all the assummptions given by the curators. Arranging the area, we created dwelling interior that is consistent and backs the main function – tasks and experiments for kids. We decided that to construct the installation we would use as much as possible materials that can be reuse, such plywood, timber or charity sorced furniture. We also used grey cradboard, which is recyclable.
Ekoeksperymentarium is an exhibitoin, that was ment to show how to ease life, save time and money for family, as well as eliminate what is unneccesary or unhealthy. Illustrated the Łaskotek Family was inviting to their home on Katowice market place, where we could find out how to take small steps to make big changes.
At the Ekoeksperymentarium exhibition constructed during expectancy for COP24, there were games, tasks, and a walk through the dwelling of Łaskotek’s family.
In the living room we focused on saving the elictricity, according to know-how developed by IKEA. Simple actions like using curtains, carpets or changing light bulbs to led lights could reduce recurces consumption and positively impact our walets.
The child’s room was introduced to a ‘less is more’ principal – less things in the room is more time for family, and less usage of planet resources. The room was visually divided in two parts, one– simple and tidy, two – messy, full of unused clothes and toys.
In the kitchen, in cooperation with Koloratorium Śnieżki, some experiments took place, e.g. producing eco-substitutes of cleaning agents. Visitors could remove a stain, produce an eco-glue or paints. Knowledge of waste segregation was also checked here– and it turned out not to be easy.
In the bathroom we tried to resonably use every single drop of water, and illustrate how much water is being wasted when we do not turn the tap while brushing teeth.