Ligota park 02 an apartment

AUTHORSBogna Polańska, Roma Skuza, Małgorzata Staroń
SITEos. Ligota Park, Katowice

The investors decided to buy a flat at Ligota Park mainly because of the garden, where children could play. Other important factors included good insolation and corner location of the flat. The couple did not want to change the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom or the toilet; however, they had always dreamed about a walk-in closet in their bedroom and a laundry room, which is necessary especially when babies come to the world.
 By combing two adjacent rooms – a utility room and a toilet – a utility area was designed that covered all three functions: a walk-in closet, a wardrobe, and a guest toilet.

The existing toilet was made smaller and from the former utility space a bay was sectioned off which is now a laundry and drying room. Thanks to that operation the remaining space was turned into a private walk-in closet through which one may easily reach the bathroom. The “utility cube” and the kitchen were trimmed with wooden burl and pastel tiles; there is industrial parquet on the floor.

